Sunday, September 24, 2023

A Day In My Life: Brunch Night Edition: Happy First Day of Autumn! Autmn Vibes at Bare Naked Kitchen & The Tampa Posie Truck | LOTD Black \ Pink


Happy first day of Autumn! Today, we visited the Posies Flower Truck, which you can find at pop-ups all over South Tampa. They feature hand cut flowers and, in my opinion, a lot of varieties and colors you don't find at the local markets and grocery stores.

I love fresh cut flowers in my house all the time, do you?

The Tampa Posies Truck pop-up at the Bare Naked Kitchen (another favorite place to eat in South Tampa). 

You know I am not a morning person and here I am for a third time in a row out in this full sun so excuse the photos because the sun was hurting my eyes badly and this was the second day I still had a headache from being outside in full sun. I know that must sound strange because I am from Florida, but I don't go outside that much and I especially don't like going outside during the Summer months.

Every time this Posies pop-up truck is around I am still asleep and I miss it and today they had later hours so I was like "Oh, I am finally going to go" Even if it was raining I would have went lol. I love fresh flowers in my house so much. I remember after we graduated college and finally we started making a little bit more money and I told my husband "I really love having fresh flowers in the house so much, we should always have them". 

He always brings me flowers and he is so, so good at picking out the best ones! But today, I was hoping to get some flowers that you usually don't find at the local market and grocery store. I was especially looking for purples, lavenders and lilacs.

So, anyhow this is my second witchy weather lewk, but this one is channeling the witchy romance. This is another vintage look from my closet, I kid you not this dress is 14 years old, 15 at the most. I am in awe that I was able to keep so many items after moving so many times because I lost a lot just from cleaning my closets to make room etc. This floral eyelet dress was love at first sight. It was 70$ and I was hell bent on getting it for less, this was around the time I lost my job and we were down to 1 income and both in college also.

You can find photos of me wearing it on my blog (at different sizes).

Dress: Vintage

Knit crochet duster: Vintage

Headband: Anthropologie

Kelley Bangle Bracelet In Gold: Kendra Scott 

Zorte Bangle Bracelet In Gold: Kendra Scott 

Charm Necklace: Kendra Scott x Barbie

Bangle: Rocksbox SLATE Evan Hinge Cuff in Gold

Anklets: 3 different ones, C/O Ettika

Bracelet: Kendra Scott Abbie Statement in gold

Boone small cocktail ring in gold: Kendra Scott

Earrings: C/O Ettika

Necklace: Kendra Scott

Heels: Louis Vuitton

Bag: Louis Vuitton Alma

Market bag: Apples

Bare Naked Kitchen

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