Saturday, August 24, 2024

MI CORAZÓN: THE GREAT ESCAPE: Aircation Panamá Country #27 | El Tour Gastronómico de Panamá: Maito Panamá | Earth Friendly Jumpsuit + Louis Vuitton


Jumpsuit: Made by Farmrio, but special release from Anthropologie 

Sweater: J.Crew

Purse: Vintage Louis Vuitton 

Leather Bracelets: Louis Vuitton 

Earrings: Kate Spade

Lipstick: MAC 

El Tour Gastronómico de Panamá

Stop 1. Masí (breakfast and dinner)

Stop 2. Vértigo

Stop 3. Vera Cafe

Stop 4. Unido Café Roasters

Stop 5. Maito

Sancocho a la leñalGF

At Maito, diners can enjoy the contrasts of Panamanian cuisine, with strokes of Afro, Creole and Cantonese origin blended with new cuisines like Chombasia, a fusion of Cantonese and Afro culinary traditions.

Tonight, we are dining at Maito, which is listed in Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants, reaching number 6, and has appeared on the prestigious list of The World's 50 Best Restaurants in position number 100.

We are ready for an exceptional culinary dining experience. 

Maito also is listed as a restaurant that is safe for Celiacs, and they have a clear gluten-free menu.

We will be starting with the traditional Sancocho a la neña which is a chicken soup, which was delicious. 

The Ceshimi de pescado looks interesting. Do not let that stop you. It is one of the most flavorful sashimi dishes I have ever had. The flavor is full and flirty. 

The Ensalada Super K, named after the chef's wife, surprised me. I have never had a salad like this. My husband ordered it, and I ended up eating half.

The arroz negro Maito was full of flavor, highlighted by the squid ink and delicately cut pulpo. What a supreme dining experience and definitely Michelin level. This was our first very traditional meal in Panamá. 

Bad vibes don't go with my outfit

Ensalada super K | GF KF

Ceviche rallado | GF KF

Ceshimi de pescado | GF KF

Arroz negro Maito | GF

Langostino rass buay | GF

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