Tuesday, August 27, 2024

MI CORAZÓN: THE GREAT ESCAPE: Aircation Panamá Country #27 Petit Paris Bistró Brunch | Striped Forest Mini Dress

If you knew what it took for me to get on a flight, then you will understand this video because I have extreme anxiety and panic attacks in all parts of my life and yes, I have flown many many times before. 

With the right encouragement, anything can be possible. I may not be ready to fly across the world, but this Summer, I felt like I regained a part of my life that I lost in the last 4 years because the p- demix definitely made these isaues harder..

This is a look of the day (LOTD) post, but I know there is a quote, but let's appreciate the fit check.

I have been to 7 or 8 countries in the last year. It's only fitting my Summer end with this trip and I still have more to share.

But am I still done? When is # 28. Panamá has my heart right along with Bermuda, Curaçao and Aruba and Puerto Rico and Cuba.

Let me show a few things about love...

Striped Forest Mini Dress: Farmrio

Sweater: J.Crew

Straw hat: Local (St.Pete)

Shoes: Sabah shoes, babas

Scarf: Farmrio 


El Tour Gastronómico de Panamá

Stop 1. Masí (breakfast and dinner)

Stop 2. Vértigo

Stop 3. Vera Cafe

Stop 4.Unido Café Roasters

Stop 5. Maito

Stop 6. Petit Paris

Little Paris on the Sea
Ocean Club International Hotel & Tower, Punta Pacifica, Panama City

Omelette Petit Paris Huevos con tocino, papas, queso mozzarella y cebolla caramelizada. /Eggs with bacon, potatoes, mozzarella cheese and caramelized onions.

I am pretty sure this was not 100% free if gluten because there were fried potatoes in it and we explained to them to not put anything fried in it in Spanish, but there was just a language barrier specifically about fried foods and gluten cross contamination. 

I only had a bite and it was really delicious,  but once I peeped the fried potatoes I had to send it back.

My choice. When in doubt I just keep it really simple. At this point they actually were afraid to give me anything and told me it wasn't recommended that I eat there due to cross contamination. I needed to eat and we had a lot to do today so I was pretty adamant about brunch. 

I opted for just scrambled cheese eggs and bacon which was baked. Thank goodness I did not get sick. This restaurant was not originally on my food tour (El Tour Gastronómico de Panamá) list, but I actually kept eyeing their lunch/dinner menu. It's sad that I couldn't really eat more,  but I thought the restaurant was fetch!

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