Monday, August 19, 2024

Airport Style: Anniversary Vacation Panamá City


I wasn't even going to show the look I put together for the flight. I only had one objective which was to be practical and comfortable. I literally threw this together as I was running out to our Uber. Now, ai carry this kimono styled robe with me all the time when I travel, it goes with a bathing suit that I have yet to get a chance to wear because it's always raining.

Anyhow, I was actually stopped a few times and told "I love your airport look" and it kind of surprised me and caught me off guard because I wasn't even trying to create a look. Anyway, I guess that happens organically a hen you love fashion.

So, you might be asking what's up with the hat. It isn't for style, I wanted to bring my hat on vacation and I didn't want to smash it into my already full carryon. So, if you have these little clips that usually come in office supplies you can actually use those to clip your hat on the side of your bag, as long as your bag fits under the seat it isn't a problem. ain't my case I carried it on that way and when I flew I clipped the hat to the front of my kimono. When I was in the airport I had it clipped to the back. Easy easy.

El Tour Gastronómico de Panamá

Stop 1. Masí (breakfast and dinner)

Stop 2. Vértigo

Stop 3. Vera Cafe

El Tour Gastronómico de Panamá

Vértigo Resteraunte

Arepa rellena de carne desmechada y chicharron.

 Stuffed arepa with shredded meat, pork cracklings.

Haute Croissantarie
Casco Viejo, Panamá

We stopped in for some treats at Haute Croissantarie Sofitel, which is located at the Casco Viejo,Hotel in Casco Viejo. Here you can elevate your,croissant experience to new heights with our Haute Croissanterie where centuries of French tradition,unite with global innovation to create an,unforgettable gastronomic encounter.

This little shop is so cute, and they have a large selection of baked breads,croissants, candies, macarons,,and coffee.

They describe this as an epicurean journey of exclusive luxury in one bite.

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