Tuesday, April 28, 2020

VLOG: April City Life 2020 Quarantine In the City...Candle Review + Gluten Free Home Cooked Meals + Hauls & Fitness

This has been an interesting month, like the rest this year, stressful. I have gained a lot of peace by practicing yoga.

With everything being shut down we have been having "date night" at home and enjoying home cooked meals. I enjoy cooking so much so it hasn't been a chore or anything different than usual. As a bl…
Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Perfect Peplum

Happy Sunday loves! So, its looking like some states may start re-opening in a limited capacity after weeks of quarantine. I am so sure a lot of you have in mind exactly where you will  go and what you will do or eat when its safe. Tonight I am sharing some date night pics. I think oysters and sushi are pretty high on my to do" list when I f…
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ladies Night At Thee Treehouse: Black Velvet Lace Tank Top x3 + Jeans

Todays blog post is one that was previously a scheduled post. Since the pandemic has started I have been moving all kinds of posts around to make more at home posts. Its been brought to my attention by my hubs that I look terrified when I am outside and I have a lack of space inside my condo right now. So, I thought it would be nice to post it si…