Saturday, October 14, 2023

Aircation: 17 Wedding Anniversary Vacation: World Equestrian Hotel | Italian Crochet + Chinese Laundry Hotness



If there is one thing I love it is a good anniversary dress! I just recently started choosing to wear white on my anniversary which is strange when I think about it, but I don't wear a lot of white often because I always end up getting it dirty (usually makeup). Well, I walked into a local boutique and I saw this outfit (personally it looks better in person, but it does need better tailoring) and the owner tells me that she just got three of these in from Italy. Well, I love anything with 2 pieces and I love crochet so I already knew I was going to buy it. You can find more details below. I will say the tailoring is an easy fix, the skirt is just made with an elastic band, I am wearing the smallest size skirt and it is too big on me. Because the skirt has an elastic band it can be brought in easily. 


It is an absolutely beautiful set and the skirt is lined (the top is not). It also has slight hints of nude or Khaki on the flowers.

 Italian Crochet set: Joyful Notion (local)

Heels: Chinese Laundry Hotness, vintage

Earrings: Kendra Scott 

Bracelets: Rocksbox

Stirrups Steak & Seafood restaurant 
World Equestrian Hotel

So, I have had the oysters and mignonette here before. I advise them every time that I am a Celiac and I have never had any problems until today. Well, this mignonette that I tried luckily on the last 2 oysters contains gluten in the form of rice vinegar. Rice vinegar will get you because a lot of people may not know if it is not distilled it will still contain gluten.

So, it isn't the green mignonettes, but the red-ish looking one. When I tasted it it was like a kick in the mouth (full of flavor) I was like "OMG this is so good, I could drink it!". See, as a Celiac, anytime I ever eat something and I react that way, it probably has gluten. I am not going to lie. I have been gluten-free since 2011 and there are things that just do not taste the same when it is gluten-free. So, if it tastes that good, I have to go double check everything was truly gluten-free.

In this case, it was not. And in this case, I got sick. Luckily, because I only ate it on the last two oysters I was sick only all morning. 

Seriously, sick all morning. 

So, what was the mignonette? It was a rice vinegar mix called HOGWASH. I have never had this before and like I said it is GOOD. You can make this gluten-free at home easily by the way.

Soup of the day

This was not gluten-free and it was a lobster bisque if am recalling  correctly

Their proteins are gluten-free and the house made steak sauce is also gluten-free 

Since the menu really doesn't change here and this was my 5th time eating here I did not take as many photos, you can use the search bar on my blog to look up other menu items that I have written about and photographed from Stirrups. I actually do not like the drinks here so I ordered my drinks from the Pub that is just outside of the bar and took it back to my room. This drink was so fabulous!

Rib eye steak

(this is not gluten free)

This features a delightful combination of caramelized pineapple and zesty mango.

So, the desert option does change here and they usually just go all out on the presentation. The last time I was here the dessert was not gluten-free either, if you look back it was the edible lemon dessert. So this one is similar, it is an edible coconut dessert. Everything you see here is edible. Just like the lemon this was quite pretty in person.

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