Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tampa Bay Fashion Week 2019: Model Behavior Event + Grown & Sexy Neutral OOTN

Tonight I was invited out to kick of the start of Tampa Bay Fashion Week in South Tampa. Its an event that I look forward to every year and this happens to be the third year I have been invited out. We were set up in the airport in between terminals for the Model Behavior meet and great fashion event. There was great food and a chance meet the mo…
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Vacation on the Palm Coast Look Book (YouTube)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

National Guacamole Day at Rocco's Tacos (Media Event) + OOTD: Limited Edition NYC Tee By Serena Williams

I have been so been so excited to wear this t-shirt for like two weeks. Sarena Williams launched her fashion line last year, but most of the styles weren't really my style. I was excited to snatch up this limited edition t-shirt before she played in New York for the US Open two weeks ago. It was sheer luck that I was awake and on Instagram wh…