Thursday, May 16, 2019

Clearwater Beach Weekend Aircation: Baroque Rose Eyelet Two Piece Set+ Pumps

It's our first night in Clearwater Beach; my old college stomping grounds. So much has changed since then though. The streets are no longer lined with sleepy little beach inns, but resemble more of a mini Miami Beach strip with less of the intimidation. This street is a long street that starts out full of whimsy and excitement and as you driv…

May 2019 Yoga Review: Alo Yoga Air Lift Set in Cherry Pop

So, this review is going to be a little different than all of my other reviews. Below in bold was my review I wrote for this set in March.

 I wanted to see if the XXS offered more abdomen control and it does, but in all honesty, in order for the XXS to be as comfortable as the XS on the waistline only I need to loose 3 real pounds (not water weight…
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

May 2019 City Life VLOG - Yoga and Weightloss. Date Nights in St. Pete + Hauls and Gluten Free Home Cooked Meals

Spring has been so fun thus far I can't believe we have about one more month left before its officially the Summer. Spring is one of my favorite seasons because the weather is so great so we got out a lot and I decided to go ahead and split this months City Life because we are already at a halfway point and I have so much planned for May. Thi…