Thursday, June 6, 2024

May 2024 City Life VLOG 2024 Monthly Re-cap : SPRING TIME FUN

Why hello hello. This Maybrecap is a little late because well...a lot happened in amay. While Maybwas a super busy month, it was a horrible month for me. I  was shocked however at the rate in which it went from 75 to 82 degrees here which is perfection to all of a sudden being 93 degrees, but feels like 103!

For some reason my Google account is saying it has now been 10 years since I started practicing yoga seriously. Where does the time go???

It's crazy to me that I haven't posted a yoga photo in over 2 years now. I still practice yoga weekly, but taking photos is so aggravating for me because I have limited space. I love my house, but it definitely is not huge. It's only a little larger than my last house, but the floor plan is what matters and my house is very "compact". also, on average, I practice yoga in my livingroom next to the couch by the t.v.

There is no room to actually take photos. I have a whole room we do not use and it's currently just housing all my crap I am trying to sell on Poshmark (this is more annoying to me, yall check my Poshmark Airie2011 because I have a LOT of items listed that are brnad new or that I only wore once for my blog listed and discounted).

Okay, so because of this I was taking photos outside, but it is simply too hot!

I definitely have a weight and fitness update. After taking 4 months completely off from working out my tailbone is functional now. It still hurts, but it is no longer a debilitating pain. I resumed my regular workouts in March. Yoga practice is more strenuous because I had to take those four months off. So, I am not as limber at some poses, but still the same.

I actually lost a little bit of weight in May. One or two pounds,  but I really do not need to loose any pounds because I am already so small. I was actually getting my fitness on hard this month and I even finally joined Sweetgreen Sweetpass. I waited so long to join because I wasn't sure I was going to use it enough, but in May along we went to Sweetgreen about 4 to 5 times. I could have saved about 15 dollars.

May is the perfect time to go to the beach because it's not hot yet: It's preheating. This was a really happy moment for me. Unfortunately some ass decided to not only walk up and tell me " you need to smile more because you're actually pretty" he then started telling my husband how to take photos as he exclaimed, "I am a professional so I know what I am talking about". I wanted to slap that man.

He pissed me off so much, it's like who asked for your advice at all. This kind of thing happens all the time when I am out taking photos. I have to ignore it, but he really pissed me off. Probably because I was really having this peaceful moment looking at the water and my husband was capturing that and here he comes talking about "you need to smile more". Ladies, I know you get it because a lot of us have had some man walk up to us at one point and said this trap or maybe said "smile, it's not so bad".

Anyway. I digress.

We had some exceptional dinners in May. This one, being my favorite which was at Restaurant Bt.


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