Saturday, February 2, 2019

Date Night in Carrollwood: V Neck Drop Shoulder Tunic Dress

To be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop...does this sound dismal? it isn't. its the most wonderful life on earth.

V Neck Drop Shoulder Tunic Dress: Shein
Booties: Just Fab, not recent

Lipstick: MAC Ariana Grande I…

Downtown Staycation: Gasparilla Day Parade & Tampa Marriott Water Street Recap and Camera Roll

If you live in Tampa or one of our adjacent cities you should at least go to Gasparilla once in your time here. I actually know people who have never been to Gasparilla and have been in Tampa their entire life and its shocking to me. My husband- was one of them. This year I made it my sole mission to take him to the day parade. We always go to th…
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Gasparilla Aircation: Tampa Marriott Water Street: Brunch In Soho On a Rainy Cold Day: Mixed Knit Crop Top & Pocket Patched Pants Set + Minimalist Heels

We are on the last day of our staycation or as I call it "Aircation". The weather is increasingly worse, but there is something nice about it knowing that since I live in a condo I won't really have to endure the elements too much. As you can see I am dressed so inappropriately for temps in the 40's. This often happens here in T…