Friday, October 20, 2017

Weekend Getaway: Strapless Top + Striped Culottes + Cute Heels

HI loves! It's hard to convince the hubby to get away for a weekend because he is so dedicated to his job, but I did it! I wanted to try something new this weekend in Orlando and come back downtown. It's a long story, but some really wack thing happened when I was 14 eating lunch down here with my cousin and I literally never came back do…
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Food Truck Rally: KFC Limited OOTD: Vintage T-shirt + Paperbag Waist Full Skirt + Socks and Heels

It's getting to be that time of year where the sun goes down unusually early, it's humid, and there is  a tone of moisture in the air. Tonight was my explorative outfit with the KFC Capsule Collection. I was pretty mad that the sun set at 6:40-ish while I was waiting for my husband to arrive to pick me up. The last two months I at least h…
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Exploring Freshly: The Gluten Free and Peanut Free Home Delivery Service

This month I had the great opportunity to partner with a company named Freshly. They sent me a total of 6 meals to try out. They did not ask for a review, but I wanted to write up a review for my subscribers and offer you guys a $20.00 off coupon code which will be at the end of the post. As many of you know before I found out I had Celiacs Diseas…