Thursday, January 27, 2022

Natural Hair Update 2022- Last Relaxer Sept 2011 + Length Check


I wanted to do a quick hair update because I haven't filmed one or checked my hair in 2 or three years now. My hair has been natural since January 26th, 2012 when I did my big chop and started wearing mt TWA. My last relaxer was September 2011 and I did a mini big chop in November of 2012 and wore my hair in a cute asymmetrical bob for 2 months.

So for about 4 years my hair was waist length and I did not see the point of doing more yearly measuring videos because it was staying that length for a while (you can see Length check video here). I noticed it was moving on to hip length which is this video here and that was the 7 years Natural hair update I filmed.

So, this is my unstraightened hair. It is now moving on to butt length. I took a photo standing up like this and it is basically at the top of my butt muscles which is one of the reason I am not using it. I was actually surprised at the growth because I didn't think it was going to go past waist length originally because it was never longer than that before as a child.

This is minutes later after I had washed my hair and applied my products. As you can see its the same length, but now shrinking up since its drying.

This is the only standing photo I am using. Now, depending on the humidity my hair will dry about this length or much shorter. It depends on the season/time of year as well.

Trims: Every 6-8 weeks with hair cutting scissors. I am not scissor happy, I just dust the ends and that is that.

Diet: Lots of vegetables and water

Low maintenance: I personally noticed when the pandemic started we went a whole year staying home and my hair started growing like a weed. Not styling my hair as often gave me a boost of growth. 

I stopped doing twist outs. I wasn't going anywhere so I just wrapped my hair up like the photo below and left it like that until the next wash day. Basically it is a wash and go.

How I do my Wash and Go here 

My tangle teaser demo here

I don't have any special washing routines or practices and I don't use any "special" hair products. I simplified everything and I use the same couple of brands year round. That, would be aa beneficial video to update on my YouTube channel. If it keeps growing I most likely will not cut it. It isn't much of a hassle it just gets heavy sometimes and I get a headache when wearing it up.

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