Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Protective Styles:Wearable Twists Tutorial

So I am a subscriber of Hair Crush (Chime Edwards) and I love it when she does her wearable twists. I was waiting until my hair grew out more and I finally decided the time was right. As fall has already come I wanted to embrace a more protective style for my hair as I move forward to my 2 year natural anniversary. It took me over 3 hours to do m…
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Love at First Sight (3.1 Phillip Lim Animal Print skirt and Just Fab heels)

I just love the flow and style of this skirt. When I first saw this animal print I was not an immediate fan of it. I showed it to my husband and he said "What are you channeling Betty Rubble?" LOL. But as the Phillip Lim for Target release date got closer it grew on me. This skirt is a new favorite of mine and it can be worn so many dif…
Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 2013 Just Fab Haul and Review (Fall Jewel tones)

Hi loves! So I was inspired by fall to do a haul showing off jewel toned heels. As many of us know jewel tones are a fall staple. This year is no different than others with the color pantones being emerald green, Mykanos blue, royal purple, reds and burgundy's as well.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Smokey Eye Tutorial

I watched one of my favorite YouTube beauty gurus do a similar look a few weeks ago and decided to try it out. I hope you all like my version, but check out BeautybyJJ when you get a chance. She has amazing makeup skills and techniques.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fashion Friday: Kittens on Parade

Ok, so who is excited as I am that it is Friday? This weeks running (but unplanned) theme is kittens. Kittens or Cats have been trending in fashion for a while this year. I have been hesitant to jump on this trend for fear of being labeled a crazy cat lady for sure, but also because some of the prints can be a bit juvenile for my taste. While at …
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Boho Sohisticated Natural Hairstyle