Monday, March 25, 2024

Girl On Holiday: On Island Time: Aircation | Country #24 Bermuda | Leif Maxi Set + Louis Vuitton + Jacquemus

I visited this area, remarking at the time to my husband of how much it reminded me of a specific area in the Tampa Bay area, not knowing the full extent of the history as we were exploring on our own. I always find myself in countries that are a part of the African Diaspora, and people never ask me why is that important to ME or us, but they look…
Friday, March 22, 2024

Girl On Holiday: Aircation | Welcome to Country #24 | WE FINALLY MADE IT TO Bermuda! | Loop Bandeau + Culotte Pant + Sophia Webster

Travel isn't just about the views, it is about our perspectives, so let's celebrate how we individually see the world!

This was probably one of the single most important moments of 2023, but I needed it to live in my memories alone for a while longer. For a long time I have been telling my husband I wanted to go to Bermuda and he knows noth…