Saturday, May 22, 2021

Saturdays of Thunder: Tank + Mini Skirt With Pockets + Heels

Happy Saturday loves! Can you all believe it is almost Summer? Its getting very very hot here in Tampa and I am awaiting the Summer rain everyday. Today's look is a simple, but classic look for me. I want to remind  you all I have a lot of clothes I purchased the months leading up to the pandemic in 2020. I am now just now getting to wear a lo…
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

City Life April 2021 20 Pound Weight-loss & Health Update #5 ...Gluten Free Home Cooked Meals and Recipes + Hauls

It took a while, but I'm back. I live for a lot, one of those things is the beach. I usually would be by the water every single day like outside my window and now I can't see it at all even though it's 5 minutes away. I traded my view for something quite cool which I haven't spoken about, but that little office I griped so much abo…