Saturday, June 6, 2020

May City Life 2020 Eat Pray Love: Gluten Free Home Cooked Meals + Hauls & Fitness

This month has been another crazy one since we moved! Once we have settled in more and have at least most of the things we need delivered I will be updating you all with my moving story. So, I moved at the end of last month so this month of May I was in a new area of the city all month long! I am not far from my old home and very familiar with th…
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Brunch From Cask Social + Blessed Neck Tee + Pleated Skirt + Heels

Happy Thursday loves! Today's post is a simple one, and its all about lemons! Just kidding, since we moved we have had a lot of time in quarantine to enjoy some takeout and have picnics or dinners what have you. I miss brunch a lot and I was craving a burger so I sent hubs out to get takeout. 
I have had this cute t-shirt for a while now, but…
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Yelps Night In Virtual Event: Comfy Chronicles: Floral Print Dress + Turban

On today's post I am discussing some really serious issues below so I urge you all to read the entire post. 
When blogging from home during quarantine I am always tasked with what to wear for a post because I am really not going anywhere and would rather be comfortable. So, I found this cute floral dress during a memorial day sale. One thing …