Sunday, November 3, 2024

October 2024 City Life VLOGS: I Return Like Autumn & He Falls Every Time

10 years practicing yoga 🧘🏾‍♀️ 😌 🙏🏾 22 years for Pilates. 
It's been a rough year after I hurt my tale bone last Summer doing absolutely nothing! It took so long to heal! I was still doing light workouts and after the flare up I had last December, I knew my body was telling me I had to reduce yoga practice to almost nothing and fo…
Saturday, November 2, 2024

Date Night Supreme: Checking Out The Newly Reno'd Flemming's South Tampa + LOTD (Re-styling)

Tonight we are going to finally visit the newly completely renovated Flemmings restaurant over in the Met West area of Tampa which is basically everything on Boyscout adjacent to International plaza and Bay Street.

I like restyling outfits as you can see. I had a huge issue with Google deleting about 2 and a half years worth of my photos from my dr…