Saturday, February 1, 2020

VLOG January City Life: Blow A Kiss Into the Sun...Lunar New Year Table Setting + Tampa Living + Hauls & Fitness

Every season of the year brings a new and unique beautiful sunset...
"Blow A Kiss Into the Sun, we all need someone to lean on"
January was a whirlwind of a month that flew by before the blink of an eye. I started out strong and was determined to not let seasonal depression bring me to a halt in the weeks of January. Despite all of my ef…
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Gasparilla Hangover Brunch: Light Rust T-Shirt Dress + Jimmy Choo... Too Cute For Gluten

Happy Friday loves!!!! So at this point it has been days since I ate the dreaded "gluten free" chicken that has been making me ill. Its only the day after Gasparilla. My immune system is shot. I am sick, I can barely do much, and my arthritis is going crazy. But look at this, I look totally fine. One: taking a photo when you are already…
Monday, January 27, 2020

Post Gasparilla Parade Dinner- Body Suit + Trousers + Jimmy Choo

So, this is still at the hotel that we stayed at for Gasparilla. Actually, the parade has ended and Tampa pd doesn't play when its over you have to get the heck out of here! This pool area had hundreds of people partying hours before. Usually, post Gasparilla we like to go to dinner nearby. There are a lot of great options like Anchor & B…

New Year Vacation Lookbook (YouTube)