Thursday, February 13, 2014

Natural Hair: 2014 Update Regimen Series (Oil Rinse & Detangling)

I did a twist out on my hair after I finished this video and you all can see the pics this weekend when it dries.

I get a lot of requests for a detangling vid for the last year and seriously I have not wanted to do it bc the process takes me 2 hrs and then another hr to style my hair. Its exhausting especially when filming! But I did it! My hair was in a puff for the last 11 days and very tangled lol. I do not add additional oils to my conditioners because I oil rinse and there are also oils in my products that I use. In this vid I did use more oil than normal. The heat was on and it was making my hair frizz and dry so fast! I usually use a lot less. This however is how I cut down on SSK.

When it comes to oil rinsing you can do it two ways.

-wash your hair and rinse clean with warm water
-apply a liquid oil to your hair and the rinse with cool water
-apply your conditioner and style as usual

-wash your hair and rinse clean with warm water
-apply your oil
-apply your conditioner
-rinse clean with cool water

When I detangle I start from the tips and work my way up. I prefer to do this with conditioner in my hair, but I wanted to try way two this time to see if it was easier to detangle. Detangling just takes time and patience.

*Originally seen first on Fashiontolive's blog and YouTube

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